
김한철씨 Kim han-cheol, man who made 1,900 telescopes

Han Han-cheol, who created 1,900 telescopes

At the age of 65, Han Han-cheol, who is infusing each telescope with souls, is the grandfather of amateur astronomers.

An old man with a gray hair is still grinding the reflector of the telescope. The day the reporter found (May 13th), he had just finished the 1,191th telescope and recorded it on the book.

Kim Han-cheol (65). If you are like everyone else, you can sit in the house and watch your grandchildren 's jallong and spend the rest of your life comfortably, but at the workshop (Seongdong - gu Gui - dong), which takes two hours at home (Bupyeong), you are polishing the reflector of the telescope every day. It is a workshop, but it has a factory of 10 pyeong, which is filled with lathe drilling and welding machine, and a loft room with a lot of pyeongpyeong. There are high-rise buildings in the vicinity, but Kim's workshop is literally just a bunch of people. There are about 10 telescopes on display, and signboards and small placards of various amateur astronomical groups such as 'Seoul Astronomical Circle', 'College Amateur Astronomical Association', 'Korea Amateur Astronomy Society' are hanging.

The official title of Kim Han-chul is the president of the leading science corporation that produces and sells telescopes, but is actually known as the "Godfather of amateur astronomers" in Korea. The word 'god' has many meanings. I am self-deprecating, "The loan is only a loan, it is a jubilant," but the surrounding evaluation is not.

First of all, 1,900 telescopes, made by Kim Han-Chul himself and engraved with his own number, spread throughout the country and become the hands and feet of amateur astronomers. No one has ever used an amateur astronomer and used his hand-made telescope.

In addition, the space in the workplace of Mr. Kim is a 'love room' of amiculean astronomers. It is a place to stay where the Amiges arrived from the province. There are 20 cooking utensils that can be boiled at the same time. Kim does not give them a penny of money, but also offers meals and meals, and sometimes even meals. When we spend the night together, we cooperate together and pass on the technical know-how that we have learned so far.

Kim says he does not spend a penny on his living expenses by selling telescopes. I raised my sons and daughters in a non-nasty manner and sent them to a first-class first-class college, so I got enough pocket money for the two of them to spend. There is only one staff member of the leading science company except Kim. All the work is done by Kim alone and there is only one female employee who is in charge of sales. This female worker is also an old woman (35 years old) who is free to serve her every time she goes to married and 'married to seeing the stars'. Other than that, it is the only time to use students for part-time jobs.

The small profits that spontaneously sell telescopes are used for the backbone of Amicur astronomers. It is more than a 'desert oasis' for an incompetent amateur astronomer. Currently, he is an advisor to the Korea Amateur Astronomy Society (KAAS), which was born as a new unified organization.




沖田博文 Hirofumi Okita 60cm F3.25 dobsonian telescope

  the making mirror from Mike Lockwood webpage   youtube uwakina bokura other ATMers in Japan blueforest anettai  


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