
TAIR 3 300mm telephoto lens

with the pistol like mount, has been named as a photosniper

Replaceable telephoto lens.
It is equipped with an iris diaphragm (for the photodetectors - platoon, closing from the camera, for which an appropriate lever was added to the camera). Enlightened optics or multiflexification (" MC " index).
Was recommended for all types of shooting; It was noted that it is especially valuable when shooting, requiring special clarity of all the details of the image.
At the World Exhibition in Brussels in 1958, a set of lenses, which included Tair-3, was awarded the highest award - " Grand Prix ".
In 1959, the lens was awarded the Diploma II degree VDNH USSR.
The ZOMZ (Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant, Sergiev Posad) - version " A " (Tair-3 4,5 / 300-A or Tair-3A) - was also manufactured with a replaceable "A-adapter", which allows using a lens with cameras with connecting thread M42 × 1 / 45.5 and M39 × 1 / 45.2. Tair-3 was also produced by the Kazan Optical-Mechanical Plant (KOMZ).
The variant of the objective for photographers from the Krasnogorsky Mechanical Plant, with the help of a cremalier and a system of preflight of the diaphragm mechanism, had the following designations: Tair-3FS, Tair-3C.
Known 1) is also a television version of the objective: Tair-3T (KMZ).

Reverse-tele lenses are, as their name suggests, the opposite: they are physically lengthened via a negative group in front of the image-forming group(s). This is necessary with single-lens reflex (SLR) cameras where otherwise there would not be enough room for the mirror between the back of the lens and the film or image sensor. Again, the reverse-tele component necessarily reduces image quality as compared with a plain no-reverse-tele wide-angle lens, but if you have to fit in the mirror, there may be no choice. They also make it easier to ensure that the light leaving the lens arrives at the film or image sensor in a more parallel state than from a non-reverse-tele lens. This reduces vignetting (darkening of the corners) with film cameras and is essential with most digital sensors which rapidly lose efficiency as the angle of incidence of the light falling upon them increases.
Reverse-tele lenses are often known as Retrofocus, which was the name of the first successful reverse-tele lens (designed by Angénieux) for still photography.

The left hand group, at the front of the lens, is the image forming group; the right hand group is the negative (tele) group.

M.D. Maltsev in his monograph "Calculation of Tolerances for Optical Parts" ("Mechanical Engineering", Moscow, 1974) so ​​characterizes the exact features of the optical scheme of the lens, which are manifested, among others, in the assembly:

The deviation of the first air gap strongly affects the aberration (± 0,02-0,03 mm ), and the second one is weaker (± 0,1-0,2 mm ). The second and third surfaces are sensitive to de-centering (beating of surfaces no more than 0.005-0.01 mm ). Less sensitive surface of the third lens - meniscus (beating up to 0.01-0.02 mm ), the fourth (up to 0.01 mm ) and even weaker the first surface (not more than 0.02-0.03 mm ). The mutual misalignment of the second and third surfaces and the heterogeneity of the meniscus surfaces are more dangerous.



Focal length: 300 mm
Resolution according to technical specifications (center / corner): 36/30 lines / mm
Diaphragm: F4.5 to F22, 16 petals
The weight: 1400gram
Year: exact information is not available, but from about 1950 to 2005
Front Lens Diameter: 72mm

mount: interchangeable shanks, usually a tail with M42 thread

from zenitcamera 

and PierreTizien

and cloudynights review  


Astrophotography from Nicolas Dupont bloch 

dave bromwich brick wall testshots

300mm shoutout from Eric Tastad, on dpreview

Tair 3 300mm-FS f/4.5
Pentax DA 55-300mm f/4.5-6.3 ED




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