
new CCDs of 2017

Dicussions on  four new small CCDs IMX183, IMX294 IMX385, IMX390, ( and a bit on GSense2020 BSI )

From Albéric posted on Webastro:

For reading noise figures, be careful it depends on the gain and it also varies a bit from one sensor to another. In rapid CP,  one works with high gain (60 to 90% approximately) values,  but not at max gain. 

On the noise values, I would rather set the sliders to these values, looks more reasonable to me: 

 IMX183: 1.3 e-
 IMX224: 0.75 e-
 IMX290: 1 e-
 IMX178: 1.5 e-

Then a sensor with tiny 2.4 micron pixels is anything but soft and versatile. In deep sky it is limited to fast and expensive astrographs or a SC (Schmidt Cassegrain) equipped with Hyperstar. Want to equip a conventional Newton at F / 5 with an expensive reducer dedicated type ASA, it is also often embarking in a big galley side settings ... 

With 4.63 micron pixels, you can easily use classical instruments telescope / telescope to F / D of 5 or 6. Or SC / Mak with a classic focal reducer.  It is therefore an excellent compromise to do everything (fast CP, slow CP, lunar, planetary see solar if mono sensor) with the majority of the trade instrument, the same definition versatility.  In addition it has an excellent frame rate, which can be increased in fenestrating, and its resolution of almost 11 Mpixel is roughly equivalent to that of a Sony A7S.   

For the reading noise values, you have to reduce this value to the pixel size and the received stream. 

 IMX183: 5.8 micron2, reading noise of the order of 1.3 e-
 IMX390: 9 micron2, reading noise of the order of 1 e-
 IMX385: 14.1 micron2, reading noise of the order of 0.75 e-
 IMX294: 21.1 micron2, reading noise of the order of 1.5 e- to 2 e-

 To simplify things, considering a single monochrome sensor, with a QE "reasonable" means of 70% on the visible spectrum and arbitrary Illumination of 1 photon / micron2 / sec: 

 IMX183: 9x0.7 = 4.1 e- detected in 1 sec of exposure
 IMX390: 9x0.7 = 6.3 e- detected in 1 sec of exposure
 IMX385: 14.1 * 0.7 = 9.9 e- detected in 1 sec of exposure 
 IMX294: 21.1x0.7 = 14.8 e- detected in 1 sec of exposure

 Dynamic range:
 IMX183: 20 log (4.1 / 1.3) = 10 dB 
 IMX390: 20 log (6.31 / 1) = 16 dB
 IMX385: 20 log (9.9 / 0.75) = 22 dB
 IMX294: 20 log (14.8 / 1.5) = 20 dB for 1.5 e- 

 20 log (14.8 / 2) = 17.3 dB if based on  2 e- 

If the estimates are accurate and if the glow amp remains unobtrusive or easy to remove, I maintain, the IMX294 is really a super super super sensor in all areas including in CP short poses where it will be perfect for a color type camera. The only real problem is clearly the lack of a monochrome version.  

Regarding the IMX390, you forget two crucial numbers:-

- the frame rate: 

60 image / sec in HD, to make it simple,  it is a comeback 5 years late. Logically, Sony directly announces the color version,  "Sony's new image sensor has addressed this issue by making the exposure time longer than the LED flicker frequency, " 

Understanding that they simply limited the exposure time to a compatible minimum value with the frequency of these traffic lights.

 - the saturation signal:

only 700 mV, is the lowest value of all in the table !  

So it saturates faster than other sensors. In addition to CP short pose,  one works at high gain so the dynamic range is already very limited. There it will be even worse!  

 I would not buy a camera with this sensor (IMX390) , it's very clear.


below  are new STARVIS sensors introduced in ShenZhen surveillance exhibition 2017: 
IMX334, IMX335, IMX385, IMX327, IMX307

Sony announcements:




沖田博文 Hirofumi Okita 60cm F3.25 dobsonian telescope

  the making mirror from Mike Lockwood webpage   youtube uwakina bokura other ATMers in Japan blueforest anettai  


Ngo ~ "N-gaw" Mui ~ "Moo-ee" Ngo ~ "N-gaw" Mui ~ "Moo-ee" Ngo ~ "N-gaw" Mui ~ "Moo-ee" Ngo (N-gaw) ,  Mui  (Moo-ee )  Cilantro Coriandrum sativum, chinese parsley  Ngo Gai (N-gaw guy), Mui Tau (Moo-ee Tao), Ngo Tau (N-gaw Tao)   Mexican Coriander,  Sawtooth Coriander, Cilantro Eryngium foetidum    娥女帝(拼音), 刺芹   特徵:娥女帝是短株形的植物,氣味清淡,葉邊呈鋸齒形,十分容易辨認。來源地:越南。 功效:和白夏差不多,娥女帝亦有祛濕、解毒及驅風的療效。建議食法: Pho,  (Bánh Xeò) 越南煎餅, 炒菜,湯,咖哩 Ngo Gai ~ "N-gaw guy" Mui Tau ~ "Moo-ee Tao" Ngo Tau ~ "N-gaw Tao" - See more at: http://vietworldkitchen.typepad.com/blog/vietnamese-herb-primer.html#sthash.I9rzkzwI.dpuf Rau Ram (Rau Rahm) Vietnam Coriander, Laksa Leaf, "Vietnamese mint(actually not a mint)". Polygonum leaf Polygonum odoratum Peppery, quite spicy. In salad, soup Hung (Hoong), , Hung Lang (Hoong Lang) Spearmint.  Vietnamese coriander Hung Lui (Hoong Lou-ee), Hung ...


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