

目前顯示的是 11月, 2024的文章


 “宋金”蔷薇水蒸馏器 1975年,河北省青龙县境内出土了一件金代铜胎烧锅,是当时用来蒸馏花露水。 酒文化 Baike

家釀手工啤酒 鄭國上

  Written by a local HK guy, maybe the only one so far. Using 2 vessel brewhouse for setup.  Minimum amount of hardware. No fuss Those calculations are ok, but not much explanation  Eg temperature of strike water,  how 0.41 is derived. Hint: specific heat capacity  This is actually based on: equation for heat transfer capacity Q = mcΔT John Palmer's howtobrew book: Initial Infusion Equation: Strike Water Temperature Tw = (.2/r)(T2 - T1) + T2 Mash Infusion Equation: Wa = (T2 - T1)(.2G + Wm)/(Tw - T2) where: r = The ratio of water to grain in quarts per pound. Wa = The amount of boiling water added (in quarts). Wm = The total amount of water in the mash (in quarts). T1 = The initial temperature (¡F) of the mash. T2 = The target temperature (¡F) of the mash. Tw = The actual temperature (¡F) of the infusion water. G = The amount of grain in the mash (in pounds). The infusion water does not have to be boiling, a common choice is to use the sparge water at 170¡F. Then...

Magnetic stirrer diy

  6 cm tall. Using 3.5cm alu square  BLDC motor: 27mm外转子高速无刷电机,BL2717无刷电机,稀土中强磁外转子,带动平衡矫正,双滚珠轴承,电机标称电压14.4V,最大功率约30W,峰值最大电流2.8A,电机支持正反转/PWN信号调速/急停/信号反馈FG输出。電壓範圍 7 - 14V 电机内置驱动电路,支持PWM信号无极调速,14V电压测试空载转速PWM信号调节约100-10000转。 Now set at 9V. PWM board:

Original double gauss vs sonnar optical design

Using focal length of  100mm f/2 as example  Double gauss: Double gauss performance: Sonnar performance: Datasheet of sonnar f/4 13.5 cm Another source: 100mm f/2 Obviously a copycat: Zeissikonveb : If you look at the data sheet above, you will be amazed: no heavy or even very heavy crown is needed, no barite flint or similar "exotic" glasses. The two front convex lenses are made of simple boron crown BK7 - one of the cheapest crown glasses that can be produced in large quantities. However, it has decisive advantages if you do not need particularly high refractive indices: it only splits the light into its primary colors to a small extent, which makes chromatic correction easier. Since the 1890s, it had become the standard material for prisms due to its high transparency and, due to its low thermal expansion, it was also often used as a base for mirrors. Only the subsequent flint glass F9 was relatively new in the glass catalog. The result is barely perceptible spherical zone...

La petite fille de la mar , Vangelis

  Video called Lila , from Carlos Lascano , Madrid. Original  

BLE Temperature humidity sensor hack

 Makerfunduck YouTube: mfd  Github Originate ftom pvvx github  THB2 Esp8266  ru forum Electronic design based on PHY6222, which is a ESP32 variant, cortex M0, Tuya developer  , its own github , SDK NRF52810/52832 compatible. Intro Hackaday , read the comments ;) AliExpress  

Haolong cargo spaceplane 昊龍

 Displayed in zhuhai air show 2024 From AVIC Simulation video YouTube   】“昊龙”货运航天飞机的缩比模型,它的实际长度是10米、宽8米。昊龙货运航天飞机总师房元鹏透露:昊龙货运航天飞机是一种带翼构型的飞行器,它采用大翼展高声速比气动布局,盾头体机身配大后掠三角翼(飞行器),它兼顾航天器和航空器的特点,既可以通过运载火箭发射入轨,又可以像飞机一样在机场跑道走路。 采用运载火箭发射进入空间站运行轨道,入轨后第一时间展开折叠机翼,打开交会对接保护罩,通过远距自主导引、近距自主控制等轨道机动策略靠拢空间站并实现交会对接。 期间“昊龙”货舱将打开与空间站舱体连通,航天员可以自由进出昊龙货舱,根据需要随时进行上行货物取用或者下行物资存储,完成货物运输任务后,“昊龙”将择机与空间站分离,自主离轨制动,再入返回大气层,经能量管理无动力水平,着陆于制定机场跑道,经检测维护后,达到再次执行货物运输任务的状态

Honduras Montecillos beans

  Medium roast 14% weight loss

Filter coffee brew temperature

 From James Hoffman's " how to make best coffee at home" Brew temperature for Filter coffee: James refers to temperature at kettle 

My first barley malting

 526 grams of two row barley Rinse / wash with water a few times  Quick a lot floating ,~ 60g>>> some grains just time to absorb water. After 1 hour or so, most sink to bottom. So no need to throw away so early. Rootlets start appear after one and half hour After 6 hours, some rootlets appear  drain for 10 min. Steep/soak again for another 6 hours , ie 12 hours total Only ~ half have rootlets. But bite test it's chewy.  Anyways proceed to drain and transfer to tray. Cover with moist cloth. How to make malt at home  YouTube  Turn/mix  after 12 hours Repeat another 12 hours  After 36 hours, malt smell change to slight grass After 4 days. No change. I found that the barley has been roasted and Germinated, and ready for mashing. It's malted already. 麥芽 I chose the wrong type barley!!!

Water recipe part 2

 Corrected input data for calcium( 11 instead if 1.1 ppm) Record No:9SV4ZG2 Based on Australian sparkling ale recipe, water requirements: Ca ≥ 50 ppm, Mg ≤ 10 ppm, Na ≤ 10 ppm, SO4 ≈ 75 ppm, Cl ≈ 50 ppm, HCO3 ≤ 10 ppm if no salt addition, delta is as below: Water recipe with salts added, based on 3L mash: Overall report: The delta Gypsum calcium sulphate CaSO4 · 2H2O and calcium chloride correct calcium quite well. Better to keep calcium and sodium below 100 ppm. Sulphate enhance hop crisp bitterness, eg west coast style beers Chloride enhance softnees, round mouthfeel, eg New England style ie Sulphate to chloride ratio This combination is not perfect, but quite close  Slaked lime Ca(OH)2熟石灰 more stable and soluble than chalk CaCO3生石灰 CaCl2 鹽丹(做豆製品用,除濕) Conclusion: From bruhlosophy exBeeriment , not everyone can taste the difference. So major reason seems to adjust pH of mash for enzymes to convert starch to sugars, pH 5.2-5.5.  Preferably use phosphoric acid to lower ...

HK water report and water chemistry part1

By retrieving data from WSD HK drinking water quality report (HKDWS)   >> 2019-2020 here   Total hardness: aka GH total. Ca and Mg concentration  Total alkalinity: aka KH total. Index of the capacity of water to neutralize acidity. Also known as carbonate hardness NB: sodium is missing, and so take it as zero mg/L. WHO mentioned typical is less than 20 mg/L. Btw, water softener add ~8mg/L sodium  2023-2024 pH 7.2-9.2, typical 8.3 Brewersfriend Record no: 9SV4ZG2 From brewers friend  calculator, Input data to brewer friend as below: Output: Brunwater Online alkalinity converter  

Galaxy hop ale day, 17 and 18

Slight foam after adding 1 g of yeast nutrients: Add some bits of yeast floating  Will test gravity, pH, and taste  Gravity 1.006 PH < 4.5 Taste with lots of hops 2 nov Continue with sugar priming and bottling  This time, for testing if yeast is not active enough, a bit more sugar, 9.2g/L, same as a Belgian Dubbel beer. This time the wort is poured out to another pot , and add sugar. After thorough stirring, then will go for bottling. This helps to have same amount of sugar for each bottle. After 14 days of carbonation, FG:1.010 Almost no bubbles. Very hoppy.