

目前顯示的是 1月, 2021的文章

to make an analemma sundial

goto SHC Sundial Design voila !: sundial design softwares 1 sundial design softwares 2  (down) DeltaCad   illustrating shadows   blocklayer Android: TpSol   Solar Info  Sol Et Umbra Stallinga   how to observe precisely equinox  

Equation of Time 均時差

sun time vs clock time     it is due to  i) the plane of the Equator is not the same as the plane of the Earth's orbit around the sun, but is offset from it by the angle of obliquity, and ii) the orbit of the Earth around the sun is an ellipse and not a circle, and the apparent motion of the sun is thus not exactly equal throughout the year.   Positive values when a sundial appears faster compared to a clock showing local mean time; negative when slower   sundials uk oarval wiki  usno navy mil archive codeproject in c# wikipedia



lohas park 10 LP10

 some pics from adverts. pls note the background is always blurred, or very dark. not due to foggy weather, really. here is probably the reason why: the TKO cemetery , across the Junk Bay there's also  MTR Depot just next to LP10

ginger milk curd 薑汁撞奶

background: ginger juice + milk protein --> curd or zingibain protease生姜凝乳酶 + casein酪蛋白 --> milk coagulant凝固   Ingredients: old ginger 35g 高鈣低脂奶 (十字牌或維記 或其他高蛋白質含量 >= 4 g per 100g),重要是蛋白質成份高, 並非奶脂 . 鈣亦有助凝固. 糖 10g Tool: grate thermometer    preparation: grate ginger and make ginger juice. 12 g is needed the ginger juice to milk is 1: 8 ( ie 12 g ginger juice to 100g milk) add 10 g sugar to milk use hot water bath to warm milk up to 70 deg C. Stir the milk to dissolve the sugar Remove the milk from water bath, and let milk cool down to 60 deg C ( zingibain is most effective at 60 deg C)  If temperature is 70 deg C or higher, zingibain protease will be denatured. pour  ginger juice to bowl pour milk at height of 20 to 30 cm above the bowl don't stir the mixture! and let it rest for 20 min   Zingibain wiki Khymos Protein and fat content

Pachnoda larvae

found it in kitchen sink this morning. Must have lost its way centoniinae larvae? sun beetle larvae? african fruit beetle larvae? Wikipedia

Gennadiy Borisov comet catcher in Crimea

interview   genon is a modified hamiltonian newtonian telescope optical designer: V. Y. Terebizh maker: G. Borisov         W.F. Hamilton: The chromatic effects of a single positive lens ( objective) may be effectively compensted by a meniscus lens-mirror ( Mangin mirror) . The design concept was originated from Isaac Newton, but unpublished. It's found to be both achromatic and aplanatic     cloudynights  wiki  genon ancprotek  genon VT-78a  TEC300 VT-70 astronomer ru 

orbital elements

 britastro has excellent introduction cosmic reflections NASA SSD

Whatsapp share data with facebook

  WhatsApp also removed a passage about opting out of sharing certain data with Facebook: "If you are an existing user, you can choose not to have your WhatsApp account information shared with Facebook to improve your Facebook ads and products experiences."  wired

志蓮淨苑 明心燈日晷 時計的藝術與科學

  metropop 22°20' 21.9"N 114°12'16"E Location: Nan Lian Garden, Chi Lin Nunnery, Hong Kong 這些日晷是由 gnomonist Simone Bartonlini 設計 左圖為垂直日晷 (下午時分), 右圖為"黃道與二十四節氣"(簡圖.實際上地球 軌道是橢圓) 角度為黃經坐標  晷針插在7月22日(大暑) 15:15 上, 能讀出當時下午時間及二十四節氣   vertical sundial 的一變種 能讀出當日太陽的 赤緯(Declination)(赤道坐標),但沒有赤徑(Right Ascension) 或時 仰角(Elevation)(地平坐標), 但沒有方位角(Azimuth) 當中的日行跡 Analemma, 祗有顯示正午12時. 沒有其他時份的日行跡.,  祗能說是1/2 個日晷          左圖角度為黃經(黃道經度 ecliptic longitude) 春分點已經因為地球繞日軌道的歲差從白羊座向雙魚座 了 祗能作為星相學上的符號,而非天文學上的星座坐標   能讀出當時上午時間及黃道十二宮    均時差的修正 :  數字為秦朝 小篆 文 Al-biruni style of depiction of moon phase。 是由地球軌道的天北軸(NCP)往南方觀望。月球以反時針方向環繞地球轉動。橙色箭咀指着陰曆十五(望)時的月相。上弦在~7點方向。其怪月晷不知在哪。 有些月相黑白/陰影有錯體,左下方黑白顚倒:  此日晷的 當地平太陽時 (local mean time) 要加上 23分11秒=北京時間(UTC+8) references: hko sun path diagram ytliu0 github hkedcity    hkww 黃道帶   Zhihu equation of time   Moon phase

comet 2021-A1 Leonard

  JPL c/2020 A1, has the most complete orbital elements data  vanbuitenen , twitter the person who updates solar system small bodies data to CdC ( Cartes du Ciel)  for CdC, you can add manually by: Setup>Solar System>Comet>Load MPC file>Or use a local file>COMx.DAT which contains following: CK21A010 2022 01 3.3079 0.614994 1.000050 225.0905 255.8741 132.6859 20210115 8.5 4.0 C/2021 A1 (Leonard) MPEC 2021-A99 or from JPL Horizons, manually input as follows: minorplanetcenter   MPEC id: 2021-A99 waa dot at aerith This comet will be initially visible from the Northern Hemisphere, and will become visible from the Southern Hemisphere in December 2021 and January 2022. Will Comet Leonard be visible to the unaided eye? It’s possible. This might be this year’s brightest comet (unless a new brighter one is discovered). It will provide a nice spectacle to observers using long exposure cameras, binocular...

lelit 58mm portafilter

  fits models: (See below for exact dimensions)     Lelit PL2S Giulietta     Lelit PL41 S Glenda,​​     Lelit PL61 Silvana     Lelit PL162 Bianca     Lelit PL62 Mara     Lelit PL82T Kate     Lelit PL91T Victoria     Lelit PL92T Elizabeth Tamper Size:  58mm 58mm group is a rebirth of Brasilia Lady, Club, Faema Family first series and others, 350ml boiler   Will not fit :  For 57mm versions  click here       Lelit Anna PL042     Lelit Anita PL42     Lelit Dianna  PL60     Lelit Grace PL81 The boiler with 57 basket is ~225 ml and comes from Mokita machines. Dimensions: Width: inc fins 82mm Width: not inc fins 73.2mm Fins: Straight Fins size:5.7mm Basket: 27.4mm height | 58.4mm wide Portafilter Depth:33mm   bluestar  home barista coffeegeek  

中國空間站 china space station

  計劃2021年上半年發射空間站核心艙,而後接續發射天舟二號貨運飛船和神舟十二號載人飛船。目前,核心艙已經基本完成測試的全部工作,航天員乘組已選定,正在開展任務訓練。 在海南文昌用長征五號B遙二火箭發射空間站核心艙。計劃4月29日發射 4月12日 中國載人航天工程辦公室12日透露,執行天舟二號貨運飛船發射任務的長征七號遙三運載火箭完成了出廠前所有研制工作,日前已安全運抵文昌航天發射場。   據介紹,長征七號遙三運載火箭將與先期已運抵的天舟二號貨運飛船一起按計劃開展發射場區總裝。 2021至2022年,中国载人航天工程预计将实施包括空间站核心舱、实验舱、载人飞船和货运飞船在内的11次发射任务。 中国运载火箭技术研究院负责长征二号F、长征七号、长征五号B运载火箭的研制工作。根据计划,长征二号F、长征七号、 长征五号B三型运载火箭将分别承担载人飞船、货运飞船和空间站核心舱发射任务。 Tianhe天和一號 is planned to be inserted directly into a low Earth orbit with an apogee of 340 to 450 kilometres. and inclined by 41 to 42 degrees.  The plan is to have three astronauts on board for six-month stints, and Tiangong will be able to accommodate up to six astronauts during crew transfers. Tiangong will consist of three modules. Tianhe will be the core module that will provide the living quarters for the astronauts as well as the command and control centre for the space station. Meanwhile, the Tiangong-1 and Taingong-2 modules will be the space laboratories from which all e...