
WWF Poland ASF: it is human beings who contribute to ASF spread

"In order to effectively fight against ASF, farmers involved in pig farming should strictly observe a number of principles, i.e. the so-called biosecurity, including the use of specific behaviors and hygiene measures, such as the disinfection of hands, footwear, clothing, tools or equipment used in farms "- wrote the WWF Poland Foundation in a message sent on Tuesday.(8 Jan 2019)
"The virus is transmitted from the forest on clothes, shoes or wheels of cars." Currently, where there are outbreaks of the virus, pigs do not have any direct contact with wild boars or other forest animals, because they must be permanently locked in piggies "- noted Piotr Chmielewski from WWF Poland Foundation.
"By the end of February, almost all wild boar in Poland will be killed, including young and pregnant dungeons, even animals living in national parks, together over 210,000 feral pigs! This cruel, costly, scientific and ineffective activity, because they are primarily responsible for the spread of the virus. all people "- evaluate the naturalists associated with the Foundation.
In their opinion, the consent of the Minister of the Environment for hunting wild boars as a form of fighting with ASF may, however, mean the elimination of this species from Polish nature. Mass killing of wild boars will affect the number of other species and paradoxically may contribute to the spread of ASF.
According to WWF Poland, the Polish Hunting Association (PZŁ) imposes on its circles the obligation to organize coordinated, large-scale hunting for wild boars at 12-13, 19-20 and 26-27 January this year. According to ecologists, the activities are to drastically reduce the population of wild boars.
The WWF Polska Foundation has announced that it has repeatedly appealed to the Ministry of the Environment and the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development for abandoning wildlife hunting planned on a large scale.
"We understand the need to fight the ASF virus, but we also call for prudence (...) perhaps instead of exterminating the population of wild boars in Poland it would be worth starting from an organized, coordinated and large-scale educational campaign on biosecurity addressed to farmers" - proposed Chmielewski from the WWF Poland Foundation .
According to the agriculture minister Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, the reduction of the wild boar population is necessary to control the deadly pig disease - African swine fever. As the minister said at a press conference this week, this does not mean that you should not strictly follow biosecurity and farmers are more and more aware of it, but at the same time you need to eliminate the virus from the environment, and it is transmitted by the wild.
Ardanowski also pointed out that there is no reliable data on the number of feral pigs in Poland (it is estimated that there are between 200,000 and over 500,000), but their population is quickly recovering. As he said, there is now a good hunting period, because there is no on corn fields, and collective hunting is much more effective.
If the virus spreads to other areas, eg it goes to the Wielkopolskie Province (where it finds about 35% of the pig population in Poland), who will be responsible for the massive pigs being slaughtered and the entire pig market going down, which in turn will cause the Polish to collapse agriculture and losses reaching tens of billions of zlotys - wondered the head of the Ministry of Agriculture.
According to the information published on the PZŁ website, from April 1 this year. until the end of November this year. nearly 168,000 were acquired as part of hunting wild boars. In contrast, the hunting plan for the 2018/2019 marketing year assumes obtaining at least 185 thousand, which means that by the end of November over 90% of the plan was made. annual plan.
A spokeswoman for the PZŁ Paulina Marzęcka informed PAP that "in accordance with the current law of hunting, wild boars can take place throughout the country from October 1 to January 31. Each hunting club can organize a collective hunt at that time."





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