

金土接近 Jan 2025

 Astroarts Using webgeocalc Minimum at 2025-01-18 17:33:44.895207 UTC

Importance of pH control during brewing

 David G. Taylor  Abstract  There is a tendency to accept pH in wort and beer as a consequence of the brewing and fermentation process, rather than to assume that mechanisms for controlling pH represent a major element of brewing process control. pH control during wort production has a significant impact on brewhouse behaviour and wort composition. Data from small-scale experiments and production trials have been gathered to illustrate the impact of pH variations on extract recovery, wort protein and carbohydrate content and permeability of the mash bed. The mechanisms determining pH control during fermentation have been investigated and the influence of wort composition in terms of small peptide amino acid on beer pH composition and potential for turbidity stability and foam formation have been explored at laboratory, pilot plant and production scales. The results obtained have allowed us to reach conclusions regarding the relative significance of the factors stimulating...

ESP32 TFT panel , LVGL , micropython

 Based on ESP32-32E With TFT, resistive touch panel: From Elecrow , named as crow panel Review , based on RP2040 Review  No name brands are selling rmb 13x to under 200. Found most solutions are based on ESP32-S3

Australian pale malt trial 3, bottling day

10/1 Refractometer reading  FG: 1.028 OG:1.052 So ABV is 3.2%, a bit low ABV calculator   Do it again using hydrometer  FG 1.014 So it's 4.9% ABV !!! Hydrometer is your friend  Initial tasting: Fruity, pineapple and passion fruit grapefruit aroma With galaxy hops characters Beer volume is  1.9 to 2 L Use 14g sugar and 50 g water for sugar priming

Ph meter electrode types

 上海雷磁: 三信 mini Typical internal resistance is  200 to 250 M ohm.  Haoshi 東莞豪斯H-101 , used in DFRobot pH meter pro v2.¥140

Australian pale malt trial 4, day 9


Silica gel vs aluminum silicate (zeolite)

 Adsorption rate Vs temperature and dew point Vs humidity  Reference  Drytech