

Malt extract and dried malt DME液體麥精,乾麥精

 From TB Reference: Briess

Galaxy hop ale, day 0

4L of water 500g milled 2-row malt Mashing 65 deg C, 1 hour 75 deg c for 10 min Boiling for 60 min: Galaxy Hop(17.3% Alpha acid) adding schedule: Hop 15g 1.2g lautering. Bittering hop During Boiling: Flavouring hop: 2.3g 40 min  2.3g 50 min 4.6g 60 min Flame off 4.6g when cooled. Added too early dry hopping <<< should be before bottling!!! Yeast: American ale yeast fermoale AY4   10.5g for 20L  So, use 10.5/5=2.1g Or 0.5 to 1 g / L 4L wort made, top 3 L transfer to carboy First taste: Too much hops. Try reduce weight of hop by 30 to 40% next time. Rough guide for hops usage: ~ 20g total for 4 L  (3oz/90g for 20L) Bubbles seen from airlock 6 hours. Relatively quiet next day Reference: Greatfermentations   Thebrewadventures Madfermentationist  

HUB75 control by rpi pico w


Yeast in beer

Function: turn/ferment  sugars to alcohol and carbon dioxide  There's 2 main microbes: Saccharomyces cerveisiae or ale yeast, and Saccharomyces pastorianus or lager yeast. (Brettanomyces bruxellensis, third type of yeast in lambic) Grainfather Madfermentationist   Drinkupcolumbus   Beer maverick database   Dry yeast vs liquid yeast  

Hops 蛇麻

Hops are the female flowers of the plant known as humulus lupulus(大麻科葎草屬) Hops are used as a means of flavoring beer, as well playing a role in preserving the beverage. Hops offset the sweetness of malt to create a complex flavor profile that beer lovers crave. Depending on how much and what type of hops are used will determine how bitter a beer may be. There are typically two kinds of hops used in brewing. Aroma hops(香花) feature a lower alpha acid percentage, which helps bolster the aroma of a beer. These are most commonly used as a means of finishing or conditioning a brew. Conversely, bitter hops(苦花) feature a higher acid percentage. These are useful when beer is going through the boiling process. Common 25 types Bittering hops: Spalt, Saaz, Hallertau, or Tettnang. Also Willamette Citra hop Mcu tw 生長條件需在14~25℃、長日照和排水良好的環境 Agriharvest Hops that built craft beer documentary   Hops substitute: Hopslist  Grainfather   Schoolhousebeer Hop calculator   Roughly 3 oz total for 20L wort When

Types of beer

 Infographic  Chemistry

American pale ale brewing, day 14

 Bottling day Sugar priming:  For 2 L liquid, white sugar 14g and 50g water First taste Citrus, orange, bergamot, grapefruit, malt sweet. Lots of fresh hop aroma. Slight bitter undertone Cascade hop: citrus, grapefruit flavor. Centennial hop: citrus, soft pine, bitter Another 14 days ahead for carbonation.