

目前顯示的是 9月, 2024的文章

American pale ale brewing, day 9


American pale ale brewing, day 7

 Almost same as day 5. Patience 

American pale ale brewing, day 5


American pale ale brewing, day 4

Less froth, content more clear

Immersion chiller vs counterflow chiller

  Grainfather   Immersion Counterflow  Efficiency  Benefits of the counterflow chiller For the same system it will take less time and less water to cool the same volume of wort. With counterflow chillers they are used to cool wort inline while transferring wort from the boiler to the fermenter. This saves time as it turns a two-step process with an immersion chiller (first cool, then transfer). It is a sanitary system. Wort at 1000C is sanitary and as the wort is cooled and transferred it is not exposed to the environment where microorganisms may inoculate the wort.   Benefits of the Immersion chiller When the surface area is significantly increased to the point where surface area overcomes the limitations ΔT then the immersion chiller can be an very effective and fast way to cool wort. To produce an immersion chiller requires less components and is easier to produce so the cost of the final unit is cheaper. Immersion chillers can be used to cool any open toped ...

American pale ale brewing, day 3

 Less froth

American pale ale brewing, day 2

 Less bubbles, less froth

American pale ale brewing, day 1


American pale ale brewing

 First trial Malt grain 500g Boil water, 4 Litres  Grains in cloth bag Boiling around 100 deg c Wort boiling Cold water bath Using metal filter ( is it really necessary to filter at all?) Carboy 水封 排氣閥 One way valve  Malting enzymes: Beta Amylase and Alpha amylase has major role  for maltose conversion. Why 68 °c? Beta-amylase has an optimal range pH 5.2 to 5.6 Reference  Control mash temperature   4L of water used 3L of wort made 2L(2.5L?) to carboy  pH value changes from Hanna  instruments  From john palmer: Beerandbrewing  water and wort pH: You might recall from high school chemistry class that pure distilled water has a pH of 7.0, but most municipal water sources have a higher (slightly alkaline) pH above 7.0, due to minerals they pick up from ground and surface sources. Grains, in contrast, are acidic, meaning they will lower the pH of the water/grain mixture. Dark roast malts are very acidic and will have the largest effect, while...

Autumn equinox 秋分

陰陽相半也,故晝夜分而寒暑平 By definition: the instance of the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere corresponds to the moment when the apparent geocentric longitude of the center of the Sun is equal to 180 degrees. At this moment, the right ascension is not exactly equal to 12 h and the declination of the center of the Sun is not zero, because the apparent latitude of the center of the Sun is not zero, but these last two values ​​are close to zero. The direction of the center of the Sun is then very close to the direction opposite the gamma point, intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator. The definition of this direction is therefore unique on the celestial sphere. The direction of the autumn equinox, which is unique, should not be confused with the fact that the Sun passes through this direction. Thus, in the northern hemisphere, the beginning of autumn corresponds to the passage of the Sun in the direction of the autumn equinox, while this same phenomenon represents the begin...

Supernova SN1572

 又名「第谷超新星」,「仙后座B」,「閣道客星」 當時明朝皇帝明穆宗朱載坖剛過世,十歲的小皇帝登基才兩個月,這個天文異象對小皇帝造成不小的心理陰影: 明神宗實錄六: 十月初三丙辰夜,客星見東北方,如彈凡出閣道旁。壁宿度漸微芒有光,歷十九日。壬申夜,其星赤黃色大如盞,光芒四出,占曰:是為孛星,日未入時,見占曰:亦為晝見。是時,上於宮中,見之儆懼,夜露禱於丹陛。輔臣張居正等言:君臣一體,請行內外諸司,痛加修省,仍請奏 兩宮聖母,宮闈之內,同加修省從之。諭禮部曰:玄象示異,朕心深切警惕,內外諸司宜痛加修省,便查舊例來行。禮部奏請如嘉靖四十二年火星迭行之例,百官青衣角帶辦事五日報曰:你每為臣的都要體朕敬畏天戒之意,著實盡心修舉職業,共圖消弭,毋徒為修省虛文。按是星歷萬曆元年二月,光始漸微,至二年四月乃沒。 崇祯年间《赤道南北两总星图》中的阁道客星 Reference: PS tw 物理雙月刊   163


女娲星座 航天宏图"女娲星座"星座(也是(银河航天)INSAR编队星座)“航天宏图为实施“分布式干涉SAR高分辨率遥感卫星系统”项目,委托中国空间技术研究院对卫星系统提供论证、卫星系统方案设计和卫星工程监理服务;委托“银河航天”提供卫星研制、发射与在轨测试与交付、测运控系统等服务。“女娲星座”一期工程计划于2023年至2025年共发射38颗业务星,包括28颗雷达卫星组成的雷达遥感星座和10颗全色0.5米八谱段以及多光谱2米的光学卫星组成的光学遥感星座。2023年3月30日18时50分56秒,中国在太原卫星发射中心使用长征二号丁运载火箭,成功将宏图一号01组卫星发射升空。“女娲星座”首发卫星“中原一号(主卫星),鹤壁一、二、三号(三颗辅助卫星)”4颗高分辨率X波段合成孔径雷达卫星,是航天宏图“女娲星座”首发任务,是多星多基线分布式干涉雷达卫星系统、采用四星车轮式(Cartwheel)编队构型的多星分布式干涉合成孔径雷达卫星系统。主卫星位于中心,三颗辅助卫星均匀分布在轮毂上,这些在轨卫星还组成了地球历史上首个轮式卫星编队。是银河空间公司建造的中国干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)对地观测星座,由有源和无源 X 波段合成孔径雷达卫星组成。 Reference  黑馬   Sohu

Caramel custard

Ingredients: Custard: 4 Whole Eggs ½ cup Sugar or ¼ Sugar and 2 ounces White Chocolate 12 ounces Whole Milk 12 ounces Heavy Whipping Cream 1 pinch Salt 1 tablespoon Pure Tahitian Vanilla Preparation Caramel using microwave: @500W 50g sugar (2 servings) 20g water Visual check is your guide. Melting:  to dissolve sugar, gently swirl,No stir( otherwise will crystallize), until no granules visible  30 s x4=120s Yellowing: Watch color change In 30 second multiples until bubbling and yellow in color 30s x 4 = 120s Browning: In 15 sec multiple, until caramel dark brown Totally 375s and up to 410s( doesn't really matter) Reference: Chef Jean Pierre  

七政四餘 月的高度

 罗计定义为黄道和白道两个平面的交点,  计点为升交点,  月亮经过计都点后,  月亮位于黄道平面之上; 月亮经过罗睺点之后, 月亮在黄道平面之下, 日月位于罗计两点上时,   日地月在同一直线上,  日光被遮挡形成日月食现象,  这是为大众所知的一个天象关联,  但是,  罗计还有更多意义, 如罗计的位置还决定了月亮在天空中的高度. 从图中可知, 当月亮与罗计( 羅㬋, 計都)连线呈90度时,  月亮高度达到最低或最高 以太阳的高度作为对比理解这个结论,  太阳所在的 黄道面 与地球赤道面同样不在一个平面,  戌宫的春分点相当于白道平面的计都点,  夏至点与春分点呈90度,  当太阳位于夏至点时,  高度最高. Reference  Weixin Maximum standstill   Wiki   Rahu   Astrosanhita  in vedic astrology 

McDonald observatory, Texas

 2.7 m Harlan J Smith telescope  7 bullet holes and a gouge, but it still works, and provide valuable observations Coyne points out that damage was minimized because most of the attack occurred in the so-called central obstruction, where the secondary mirror and baffle cast a shadow on the primary. Reference  J j Hermes Scopereview

KianV + Colorlight i9 plus

  Twitter   FPGA: I9 plus: artix 7 XC7A CPU: KianV RISC-V RM32IMA SV32 Running XV6 Bootup video Reference wuxx  github Splinedrive  github  Tinytapeout   KianV running LiteX

Earthquake prediction by AI

 U Texas   Nypost   Spaceweathernews Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America last September, exceeded their expectations. Their AI algorithm, trained to detect statistical bumps in real-time seismic data, correctly predicted 70% of earthquakes (fourteen in all) at least a week in advance and within 200 miles of their epicenters. (The algorithm missed one quake, and predicted eight that never took place.) “The success rate in the China experiment was astounding,” Fomel 


 Aka 拉掹 建造業總工會安全顧問李光昇在港台節目表示,估計事故原因只有一個,料為懸空棚架的連牆器(俗稱「拉掹」)不穩。他相信搭棚師傅有使用足夠的連牆器,不然師傅搭棚時亦有機會墜下,但完成後交給下一個工序的分判商時,該些連牆器或阻礙其工作,部分人或不以為意「拆咗佢先」。他解釋指,連牆器一般為連接樓宇結構及竹的鐵線,但由於連牆器安裝在牆上,而玻璃幕牆亦需要安裝於牆上,某些連牆器位置或令玻璃無法安裝。 他指根據勞工處指引,每隔4米乘7米必須至少有一條「拉掹」,李光昇指棚架面積相當大,認為不止有一條「拉掹」,而新大廈一般會預留直徑6mm連接位,以使用軟鐵計算,受力可達一噸,「相信今次解得好多(「拉掹」)」。他以涉及的棚架約15米乘8米計算,垂直計算已需4至5條,橫向則至少有3條,故應有10多條「拉掹」。李光昇續指,相信「(「拉掹」)已經甩得七七八八,唔係無理由會跌咗落嚟」,指棚架重量只有每平方米約200至300磅,有理由懷疑「仲有幾多條『拉掹』喺外牆」。 Reference  Inmediahk