

目前顯示的是 2024的文章

Australian pale male trial 3, day 6

 Here it is, see the big bubble at surface? fermenting still in progress

Australian pale malt trial 3, day 4

 Similar to yesterday's 

Citric phosphate buffer

  Omni calculator   Henderson  Hasselbach equation  For pH 4 to 6, H2PO4- is dominant. YouTube  

Australian pale malt trial 3, day 3

 White foam gone. No bubbling from airlock. Most yeast now sunk to bottom.  So fermentation less active 

Australian pale malt trial 3, day 2

 Fermentation still very active Krausen now with some brown patches ( active and dead yeast cells, wort proteins etc)  27/12 14:00 krausen starts to reduce, brown ring residue on the inner side if carboy. Bubbles less frequent 

Australian pale malt trial 3, day 1

 White foam, with some krausen . Fermentation active  22 deg c Expecting bubbles from airlock after 20 hours

Australian pale malt trial 3, brew day

 26 Dec, 2024 Mash water @ ph 5.4 3.6L Use  2.5L, remaining for evap fill up or sparge Grain 500g Grain to water ratio 1:4 3560 g ph5.3 strike prepared Take 2000ml  Boil to 75 c Drop malt  66 c after drop After 10 min pH 6.3 Use 6% Phosphoric acid to adjust. Add 3 drop ph 6.1 after 18 drops still 6.13. stop adjusting  After 60 min Refractometer reading: 13.2, brix 1.05 Iodine test brown. Very nice. Boil @ 75 c for 10min Hydrometer reading 1050 to 1055 when (50-60c) Use 2.7g galaxy hop( should be 4.9g), ie add 0.1g ( should  be 2.3g) at 30 min and 2.6g at 50 min After 50 min rolling boil,  pH 6.34 SG 1.052 refractometer  Wort volume 2L 23:15 in carboy fermentor Yeast starter refractometer 1.020


  「酵母為什麼要擴培?不是只要買一包乾酵母 或是一管液態酵母,直接倒進發酵桶就行了嗎?」 酵母擴培的意義是為了讓酵母在開始工作之 前,達到足夠的數量與保有健康的活動力。因 為在台灣能買到的酵母大多是遠渡重洋而來, 在你購買回家前,往往已在店內放置了一段時 間,而且雪上加霜的是,酵母在買回家到真正 拿來釀酒之前,又在冰箱放置了數週到數月之 久。經過這番折騰,酵母所包含的活菌數量遠 已低於我們的想像。 於是擴培的技巧幾乎已是進階自釀玩家的必備技能。擴培的好處,在於可以縮短酵母投入後 到主發酵開始前的延遲時間(Lag Time),並讓主發酵能在合理的時間內結束,且達到酒譜設計目標的結束糖度(Final Gravity) 投入酵母的數量多寡與健康與否,會大幅影響到啤酒的風味,期待以少量的酵母來進行 三發酵,就好像要一位投手連投 (pitch) 30局不休息一樣危險。 擴培的要點為何? 酵母要增加族群數目,必須在一個有氧氣的環境與充足的糖分,穩定適合的溫度也很重 要、以下就讓我們來進一步說明幾個酵母增殖的關鍵要素: 氧氣的重要性 為什麼氧氣對於擴培酵母非常重要?酵母是種奇妙的單細胞生物,可以同時在有氧以及 無氣的環境中生活。在有氧的環境中,大多行無性出芽生殖Germination,可快速擴大酵母的族群(繁殖);而在無氧環境中則行無氧呼吸,將糖分分解為酒精與二氧化碳(製酒)。酵母菌 可以消耗溶於水中的氧氣,並產生足夠的不飽和脂肪酸及固醇類,這些都是構成細胞膜 的重要成分。也因此,創造「有氧環境」是酵母行出芽生殖的第一個重要條件。 酵母繁殖需要營養素 要讓酵母健康快樂地大量繁殖,除了氧氣,必要的營養素也是很重要的。基本上,營養 可分為下列兩類: -磷酸鹽類氨鹽基 -胺基酸 國外可以買到所謂的酵母營養添加劑,而在台灣,能在化工行購買到酵母萃取物 (YE: Yeast Extract)。使用的方式為取出部分麥汁,並加入幾匙 YE來增添營養素,就可以得 到很好的效果。如果很在意額外購買YE的花費,可以加入部分回收的酵母泥來取代, 一樣煮沸、冷卻後拿來擴培酵母,效果也很好。 我自己會在每次啤酒釀造時,留一點麥汁冷凍起來,下次釀啤酒的前幾天將之煮沸冷卻 後,加入YE,即是最方便好用的酵母擴培液。 酵母擴培的溫度 在台灣,自家釀造啤酒最大的難題就是「發酵溫度」,這是因為我們身處亞熱...


2024年12月21日17时21分 冬至日係北半球全年白晝最短,夜晚最長的一日 圭表:正午日影最長。 從冬至到下一個冬至的時間稱為一「歲」,而從農曆正月初一到下一年正月初一的時間稱為一「年」。 冬至,阴极之至,阳气始生,日南至,日短之至,日影长之至,故曰“冬至”。 【古人的新年】冬至是二十四节气中最早制订出的一个,早在上古时期,中国人就已经用土圭观测太阳,测定出了冬至。古人认为自冬至起,白昼一天比一天长,阳气开始回升,代表下一个循环开始,是大吉之日。 人们最初过冬至节是为了庆祝新的一年的到来。据记载,周秦时代冬十一月为正月,所以 贺冬与拜岁相同 ,并没有分别,人们以冬至为岁首过新年。直到汉武帝采用夏历后,把正月和冬至分开,从此人们开始专门过“冬至节”是自汉代以后才有,盛于唐宋,相沿至今。 Hko  fb Reference: Ytliu0   Weixin 冬至天壇祭天

Moon phases of 2025

 Calendar form( in BJT UT+8) Text form Ephemeris: VSOP87/ ELP2000-82 Reference: Weixin IMCCE

pH meter - How it works

 Glass electrode From John Palmer  If the mash pH at room temp is 5.2 to 5.6 At mash temp (~ @67 °c) is lower,  4.9 to 5.3 So measure at room temp, gold standard.   YouTube   Must read: AN-1852 designing with pH electrodes. pH electrode transfer function. input: electrode voltages, temperature. output: pH values  PH electrode sensitivity, which is dependent on temperature. LMP7721 is recommended op amp. TI forum Horiba FAQ . This is aim of buffer calibration So ATC Calibration is for pH electrode, using Nernst equation   to adjust for respective electrode output voltage at that temperature. Of course, ATC cannot compensate for characteristics of various samples eg mash  ,  at different temperatures. Nerst equation.  input: pH and temperature, output: electrode voltages John Palmer's water chemistry book: slope should fall between 95 and 103%, and the pH(0 mV input) should lie between pH 6.8 and 7.2 (Uoffset within ± 15 mV). CA3140...


 日本風格 from littlepig: From sun locator app:

Achieve mash pH using Phosphoric acid

Brunwater calculator work best for me. Work by dilution, ie to lower acidicity,( higher pH values) step by step Do by making 350 ml then dilute to 3500 ml(target) Sanity check: Rinse ph meter with water when pH readings is doubtful. Measure again with  tap water, and calibration liquids From brun water excel calculator, For target pH5.6, 4 L final volume  Using 6% phosphoric acid Need 2.6 ml of acid. From experience, initial 350ml is around pH 2.5 or 2.6 When making 3500 as final volume, start by add 80% to 85% of calculated water amount, ie 2800 ml in this case Add the required salts, eg gypsum and calcium chloride before adding more water. Stir to make sure all is dissolved  Add 50ml every time to watch how pH values go up ( less acidic) PH starts ~ 4.6 to 4.8 Every 50 to 100 ml lower acidicity by ~0.1(pH values go up 0.1) The trend is not linear,but increase in steps  I think ph 5.4 or 5.5 is good enough. My cheap pH meter can have a deviation of 0.2 or maybe mor...

Gypsum 石膏粉

CaSO4 · 2H2O. Dihydrate  生石膏粉 现在药房出售的生、熟石膏均为白色的粉末状,不太好鉴别。简易的区分方法为:取石膏粉末10克,加水约15毫升,搅拌均匀。 放置10分钟后,若呈干性黏团块状者是熟石膏,而呈湿性散渣状者,则为生石膏。 硫酸钙化学式CaSO4。熔点1450℃,相对密度2.96,难溶于水???。它的二水合物CaSO4•2H2O俗称石膏(或生石膏)二水硫酸鈣。 gypsumchina 半水合物CaSO4•1/2H2O hemihydrate称熟石膏(或烧石膏)。(TB 最常買到的是熟石膏,甚至把熟石膏當作生石膏賣)plaster of paris. 二水 vs 無水 石膏加热至128℃,失去大部分结晶水,变成熟石膏;163℃以上,结晶水全部失去。熟石膏粉末与水混合后有可塑性,但不久就硬化重新变成石膏。此过程放出大量热并膨胀,因此可用于铸造模型和雕塑。 硫酸钙和石膏可用作联合制造硫酸和水泥的原料,还可做油漆的白颜料、纸张的填料 熟石膏粉用作豆腐的凝结剂。 Gypsumchina Gypsum is moderately water-soluble (~2.0–2.5 g/L at 25 °C)and, in contrast to most other salts, it exhibits retrograde solubility, becoming less soluble at higher temperatures.  When gypsum is heated in air it loses water and converts first to calcium sulfate hemihydrate (bassanite, often simply called "plaster")  and, if heated further, to anhydrous calcium sulfate (anhydrite).  As with anhydrite, the solubility of gypsum in saline solutions and in brines is also strongly dependent on sodium chloride (common table ...

行星天象圖 Celestial phenomena 2025

 From NAOJ : HKT(UT+8) From HKO

朝鮮世宗期における 天文儀器の開発と利用

 Sang-Hyeon Ahn (韓國天文硏究院) 2020.12.05. @天文文化研究会 Political transition  高麗->朝鮮 朝鮮世宗  1397-1450 禮樂制度 The morality was well described by a sentence in a famous Chinese classic called lizi (禮記):  “大樂與天地同和. 大禮與天地同節,” which is translated as “Great music harmonizes with the Nature  Great rites follows the order of the Nature.” Here the concept of harmonization is related with politics, and that was realized or demonstrated by ancestral rites 祭祀. Music is an important part in performing rituals 儀式. Music can unite people! Moreover, the concept of the order of Nature is realized by an exact definition of seasonal grants 節氣 that is calendar. Calendar can give public order to the people! 渾儀,渾象,簡儀,小簡儀 日星定時儀: Its structure consists of three rings on a cross, called the Jucheondo-bunhwan (周天度分環), Ilgubaekgak-hwan (日晷百刻環), and Seonggubaekgak-hwan (星晷百刻環), and it is made based on the altitude (latitude) of the North Pole in Hanyang. The north and south are ruled by aligning th...