

目前顯示的是 7月, 2024的文章

Dalgona coffee

Aka whipped coffee  Sugar as surfactant  essentially lower the surface tension between a liquid and gas, the liquid being coffee and the gas being foam. Visually, a surfactant can be described to look like a tadpole. The head of the tadpole likes water (hydrophilic) and the tail does not like water (hydrophobic). Since the tail end does not like water, it will cling on to or “face” towards air and gas. In this case, when we whip or froth coffee to form bubbles, the tail end of surfactants will face the bubbles. This essentially creates a barrier around each bubble, reducing the surface tension between the coffee and bubbles. The more we whip and froth the coffee, the more bubble barriers we create, which makes foam.  Instant coffee: Dalgona Coffee can be made with either instant espresso or instant coffee. The reason you can’t use regular ground coffee is because it requires a weaker coffee to water ratio (when brewed). The recipe for Dalgona requires a 1:1 ratio of instant coffee to h


  Oasistrek Skywalker  

OnStep and cycloidal equatorial drive

 From Kenichi Aihara Youtube Keen-One harmonic drive eq mount HrEM   github  from romanhujer Cycloidalgenerator Youtube  , cycloidaldiskgenerator github  in jscad Harmonic vs cycloidal: lionbit

Starlink phase array antenna

  Wechat Kenneth Keiter hackaday

C-smart 中建智慧工地管理平台

中國建築 獎項 , 2   海宏技術 兩項系統的主要功能,是透過自動警報系統,向機械操作員,及進入相關指定操作危險區範圍的地盤人員發出警報提醒他們,讓人員可及時反應及避險。 MKBNH7_V1.1 Helmet beacon SOC: Nordic N52832QFAAE1 RFID readout: ISO14443-3A RFID Mifare wiegand 26, 34 or read block output  125 kHz ? Reference  4S 安全智慧工地 AndyWu Tencent NFC shell transport   NDEF User manual   Arduino MFRC522  library  Miguelbalboa github Engineeringprojects   Mifare vulnerability quarkslab

Profitec pro 300

 Dual boiler 


  WeChat   高分三 米級C Band 五院 高分三 正如城市的建设,让以前江边的岳阳楼,也变成了城市的一部分!我们人类对湖区的挺近和垦殖,也一步步压缩了它们的生存空间!汉代时期,洞庭湖总面积为6000平方公里,到清道光时期,总面积就剩3500平方公里了!到2022年9月29日,洞庭湖水域面积则为436.09平方公里 Reference  Csdn 洞庭湖面積的萎縮 vs 長江  水位漲退的關係 長江下游 Wyzxwk 管涌  piping effect Cctv   檢測儀

Beer making essentials

1 sanitize everything  2 make the starter wort 3 heat water and malt 4 make the mash 5 add grain 6 first running  7 the boil 8 cool the boil and pitch the yeast 9 bottling  Instructions video Reference  Popular mechanics   Seriouseats AmericanHomebrewers NYTimes   Northern Brewer Winelist 中文

